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Dorval Global Conservative

SRRI 3 SRI labelled asset management offer aimed at the most risk averse savers

Key points

  • A selection of promising themes to contribute to global growth with measured risk
  • Active and agile management, framed by a rigorous socially responsible investment policy, through highly diversified baskets of securities
  • An active hedging and risk management policy for an asset risk profile
  • This product promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have as its objective a sustainable investment. It might invest partially in assets that have a sustainable objective, for instance qualified as sustainable according to the EU classification
  • The fund is exposed to capital loss risk
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Evolution of performance

9/6/24 - 9/6/24

Past performances are no guarantee of future performances. The performance calculations are net earned dividends reinvested for the UCITS. The performance calculations for the benchmark indicator are reinvested net earned dividends.

Performance scenarios

Recommended investment period: years
Example of investment :
If you get out after 1 yearIf you get out after years
MinimumThere is no guaranteed minimum return. You could lose all or part of your investment.
TensionsWhat you could get after deducting costs
Average annual yields

UnfavorableWhat you could get after deducting costs
Average annual yields

IntermediateWhat you could get after deducting costs
Average annual yields

FavorableWhat you could get after deducting costs
Average annual yields

The essential

    International equity markets and fixed-income products across all geographical areas with a maximum of 30% equities, and 0 to 100% invested on the fixed-income markets, with a sensitivity range of between -5 and +8.
    80% capitalized €str and 20% MSCI World Equal Weighted Local Index net total return (since 09/30/2023) 
    3 Years


Performances net of management fees

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The fund is a response to the current low interest rate environment by providing exposure to international fixed income and equity markets combining macroeconomic analysis with an approach to corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) opportunities and risks of companies. It seeks to provide a higher net expense return than the reference index.

A selection of promising themes to contribute to global growth

Dorval Global Convictions Patrimoine can drive its exposure to equity markets up to 30% and/or its investment in interest rate markets across all geographical areas, aiming to benefit from the dynamism of all potential areas of growth areas. The management team identifies the themes deemed to be promising relevant to each phase of the cycle and rotates these schemes according to market trends.

Active and agile management, framed by a rigorous socially responsible investment policy

Portfolio construction and management combine financial and extra financial approaches and are based on:

  1. Identification of investment themes considered to have higher potential, i.e. in line with the major trends and the economic and financial context
  2. A definition of the level of risk for the portfolio
  3. A construction of equally weighted equity and bonds baskets within the investment themes, combining financial and extra financial analyses

The balance of the portfolio may be invested in monetary instruments. In the event of a significant risk in the financial markets, money market instruments may represent 100% of the assets.

Information concerning the methodology and data relating to extra-financial analysis are available in the SRI policy and the Code of transparency of Dorval Asset Management available here.

An active hedging and risk management policy for an asset risk profile

In order to protect the portfolio, the performance trajectory is driven by an active hedging and risk management policy, in particular to 3 levers:

  • The level of exposure to risky assets, regularly reviewed by the Asset Allocation Committee, according to the central scenario;
  • The degree of diversification by asset class, geographical and thematic areas, the specific risk is limited to 1% of the fund's assets for each equity:
  • The use of asymmetric hedging in a wide universe, according to alternative scenarios and with vigilance regarding their costs (safe haven assets, futures and index options).

*Risk and Performance Indicator: 1 is a low risk but not risk free. 7 is the highest risk. With a lower risk, a potentially lower yield, conversely a higher risk, a potentially higher yield.

One last question ?

  • “This innovative and highly diversified approach is built on baskets of stocks, and aims to grow investors’ savings at a pace in line with potential sustainable gains in the world economy. Additionally, the team focuses particularly on risk management across various levels: extent of exposure to high-risk assets, strong portfolio diversification, strict restrictions on company-specific risks, asymmetrical hedging strategies and screening for environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG). Dorval Global Convictions Patrimoine is a multi-asset fund that carries the SRI accreditation and seeks to address today’s new environmental and social challenges. The equity markets deliver the fund’s main performance driver – with net international stock-market exposure of up to 30% – while the fund also invests on the fixed-income markets in a range of 0 to 100% with sensitivity of between -5 and +8, in addition to currencies, which can provide exposure of 20% at most.”
  • "In our view, ESG is both a source of opportunities and a method to monitor risks. We draw on our proprietary scoring system to eliminate companies with the weakest scores and/or that have been subject to controversies, with a view to ascertaining our international investment universe. We then focus on the names that can best address or adapt to today’s environmental and social challenges on the back of their high-quality governance (50% of the score). Lastly, we pursue our engagement approach with these companies by voting for all resolutions that seek to enhance transparency and promote sustainable development practices."


The information provided is neither contractual in nature nor serves as investment advice.

Past performance is no indicator of future performance. Capital invested is not guaranteed. It is advisable to follow the minimum recommended investment horizon. The characteristics, risks and charges concerning this investment are detailed in the fund prospectus, which is available free of charge from the asset management company.

The tax treatment depends on each client's situation and is subject to change at a later date. Each mutual fund may not be suitable for all investors. The risks of investing in a mutual fund are described in the Prospectus for this mutual fund, which can be downloaded from this site. Dorval Asset Management invites the individuals concerned to familiarise themselves with it.

Dorval Asset Management may not be held liable for any decision taken or not taken based on information contained in this document, or for how it may be used by a third party.

The investor must be given the Key Investor Information Document before subscribing. 

Pursuant to provisions in Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, the purchase of units/shares in Dorval Asset Management’s funds is prohibited for all Russian and Belarusian nationals, as well as any individuals who are resident in Russia or Belarus and any legal person, entity or body established in Russia or Belarus, apart from nationals of a Member State and individuals holding a temporary or permanent residence permit in a Member State.