Our open-ended funds
Our range of products and services has been designed to meet the expectations of more responsible and sustainable asset management, with a range that is 100% SRI labelled
- Managed exposure to risky assets in Europe through the Dorval Convictions fund
- Dorval Manageurs Europe for pure and transparent exposure to European equities
- Diversified international management through the Dorval Global range to participate in global growth
International Management
Dorval Global Conservative
SRRI SRI-labelled asset management offer aimed at the most risk averse savers
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Dorval Global Allocation
An SRI-labelled offering investing in promising global themes
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Flexible Management
Dorval Convictions
An SRI-labelled offering investing in French and European companies
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European Management
Dorval Manageurs Europe
Choosing to support Europe's leading companies in a responsible and committed fashion
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